Behavior Training

Package Options

Behavior Training Services

Rover Rehab of Wisconsin offers a variety of behavior training services that cater to you, your dog, and your situation. Select an option that looks like a good fit, and visit its page to view details and learn more about that service.

An angry shepherd barks at something out of frame to the right.

Reactive Rover

Free yourself and Rover from the stress of encountering people and dogs with our Reactive Rover Program. Take the first steps towards an aggressive free dog.

A person leads a Corgi along on a leash.

Walk and Train

Ready to enjoy walking your dog again? If you find yourself walking the dog at 4 a.m., hoping to avoid other dogs and the stares of neighbors, relief is on the way.

A small black dog sits amongst ripped paper.

Home Alone

Get your freedom back! Free yourself and your dog from separation anxiety with our innovative Home Alone Package. Take the first steps towards freedom.